Does Aveeno test on animals?
According to their latest policy statement, Aveeno does not conduct animal testing on ingredients or products except when explicitly required by law. However, the ambiguity leaves questions around whether suppliers test ingredients or if parent company Johnson & Johnson actions apply to Aveeno products. Without clear, independent confirmation, conscientious consumers should remain wary.
As a conscientious consumer, you want to know if the brands you support conduct animal testing. This includes Aveeno, a popular skin and hair care company.
In this post, I will share a transparent look at Aveeno’s current animal testing policies and practices. You can make an informed decision about where they stand on this complex issue.
A Murky History of Animal Testing
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First, some background on why this question arises with Aveeno…
The brand has a murky past association with animal testing. Aveeno lies under the consumer goods giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J), which has tested on animals for decades.
While Aveeno has claimed policies against testing, their connection to parent company J&J casts doubt. Over the years, Aveeno stated contradicting positions or supported arguments defending animal testing in certain cases.
This back-and-forth breeds consumer distrust in their animal testing ethics. It is difficult to pin down exactly where Aveeno stands now in 2024.
The complication of China
Part of what strains Aveeno’s animal testing policies is distribution to China.
As of 2024, China legally mandates animal testing for any imported or sold cosmetics. For years, companies made exceptions for the Chinese market while claiming cruelty-free status elsewhere.
Does Aveeno currently test just for China? Or do they avoid the market altogether to uphold ethical standards? Their lack of clarity leaves consumers questioning if Chinese regulations dictate testing against Aveeno’s will.
Deciphering the PR Wording
Today, Aveeno uses careful PR wording rather than making an outright declaration against animal testing. An analysis of their latest statement shows more holes than answers:
“Aveeno does not conduct animal testing on our products or ingredients, nor do we ask others to test on our behalf, except when required by law.”
The phrase “except when required by law” gives Aveeno leeway for animal testing when they legally have no choice based on current regulations. Most likely, this refers to China, as discussed above.
They also leave an opening for suppliers or contractors to conduct ingredient testing rather than their own employees. By saying Aveeno does not “ask others to test on our behalf,” this could still leave the door open for suppliers to test without a direct request.
Their official statement says nothing of selling in China while allowing animal testing “by law” there. Or of parent company J&J conducting tests they can use rather than directly ordering them.
Overall, legal word trickery avoids making an outright promise against animal cruelty. But it fails to provide ironclad assurance to conscious consumers either.
This murky message continues…
Mixed Messaging Muddies the Waters
Alongside Aveeno’s carefully-worded policy above come conflicting messages adding to confusion:
- Aveeno employees formally served in pro-testing advocacy organizations like Americans for Medical Progress that aimed to defeat bills to reduce testing.
- But at the same time, Aveeno’s brand vice president openly praised companies banning animal tests in a 2018 interview.
- While no Aveeno products show leaping bunny logos in 2024, some products randomly included it back in 2017 signaling certified cruelty-free status.
- 2020 packaging for their baby line claimed “no tear products” were “not tested on animals,” implying others potentially are. Yet another PR trick using doublespeak rather than blanket opposition to testing.
Without steady messaging in action backing up flimsy policy claims, most cruelty-free advocates remain skeptical of Aveeno’s practices and ethics.
The Parent Company Problem
Looming over this matter remains Aveeno’s connection to parent corporation J&J. Without full autonomy, Aveeno ultimately answers to the J&J executive board directing overall operations.
And that J&J leadership continues actively testing across their other product lines whenever they determine it is necessary. They claim they are gradually reducing animal testing, but it still remains widespread years after setting phase-out targets.
Realistically, J&J has the power to override any symbolic “policies” their brand Aveeno proclaims against testing. As profit pressures or regulatory hurdles appear, J&J has the authority to demand Aveeno ultimately bend to animal testing to meet compliance.
Until Aveeno can demonstrate complete independence from parent company J&J’s substantial animal testing, conscious consumers understandably question if supportive dollars fund cruelty.
Aveeno & Neutrogena Sunscreen Spray Lawsuit
In 2021, Johnson & Johnson faced a class action lawsuit alleging their Aveeno and Neutrogena sunscreen sprays contained high levels of benzene, a carcinogen. The plaintiffs claimed that benzene caused the spray sunscreens to become adulterated and misbranded, making them unfit for use. The lawsuit accused Johnson & Johnson of negligence and failure to adequately test ingredients and finished products. It ultimately settled in 2022 for $675,000 without the company admitting fault. The brands reformulated the sunscreens.

Does Aveeno test on animals at night?
No evidence suggests Aveeno conducts animal testing at specific times like night. Their policy neither confirms nor denies when testing could occur. So it remains unclear if pilot animal studies run 24 hours. But no indicators exist of deliberate nighttime testing procedures.
Does Aveeno baby test on animals?
based on available information. As a sub-brand of Aveeno, no separate animal testing policy exists for Aveeno Baby products. The company makes no claims that these specific baby items hold higher standards than banning animal cruelty. Consumers can likely assume the murky testing policies discussed earlier for Aveeno extend to their baby line until stated otherwise.
Does Aveeno test on animals in the UK?
Unclear, since Aveeno’s policy makes no distinction about animal testing per geographic market. As an American company, most operations reside in the US. But without transparency on testing locations, facilities could exist abroad like the UK. Consumers in countries like Britain likely fund the same questionable animal testing practices through purchasing Aveeno, with profits flowing back to parent Johnson & Johnson.
Does Aveeno test on dead animals?
Unknown. Most modern ethical standards focus on testing causing harm or death to live animals. If Aveeno utilizes animal-derived ingredients, materials could come from dead animals. However, current testing procedures remain vague on use of dead specimen. But repeated living animal testing seems the prominent consumer concern over deceased stock.
Does Aveeno test on indigenous animals?
No clear indications Aveeno focuses testing on specific indigenous animal breeds or species. Some regions protect native wildlife by law. More likely, any potential Aveeno animal tests probably use standardized, domesticated lab animals like rabbits over local wild species. But without facility details, conjectures over test subjects remain speculative.
Does Aveeno test on animals internally or via third-parties?
Aveeno makes careful wording to leave the possibility open for either in-house testing or outsourced studies. Their policy emphasizing not asking others to test “on our behalf” seems to transfer accountability for third-party testing. Data-sharing and funding channels to contract test labs could feasibly enable Aveeno benefiting from animal cruelty without directly conducting it under corporate roof.
Do Aveeno products make good gifts if they test on animals?
Beauty products often rank as popular gift choices for loved ones. For consumers against funding animal cruelty, Aveeno’s murky testing ethics could rule out their toiletries as morally acceptable gifts. Until Aveeno earns consumer trust through cruelty-free certification, conscientious shoppers should avoid gifting Aveeno goods with transparently ethical brands instead.
What parent company does Aveeno belong to?
Aveeno falls under the enormous multinational Johnson & Johnson company spanning pharmaceuticals and consumer products. J&J brings over $80 billion in yearly revenues across well-known subsidiaries like Band-Aid, Tylenol, Neutrogena, and more. As discussed earlier, J&J actively engages in animal testing inflicting substantial cruelty through toxicology experiments
Does parent company Johnson & Johnson require Aveeno to test on animals?
While no public evidence confirms mandated testing, J&J likely pressures Aveeno to bend policies when profitable or necessary for big business. Aveeno’s lack of policy specifics and autonomous operations remains concerning for consumers who do not want dollars supporting J&J’s substantial animal testing programs.
Would truly cruelty-free brands test on animals?
Genuinely certified cruelty-free brands prohibiting all animal testing tend to state absolute no-testing policies for any ingredients or products. Leaping Bunny set global gold standards for rigorous certification, vetting cruelty-free authenticity. Clear brands like The Ordinary or Pacifica categorically forbid all animal testing as opposed to merely vaguely qualifying it as “if required by law.”
What does “not tested on animals” mean for Aveeno?
For Aveeno, the meaning proves unclear. Unlike stricter Leaping Bunny standards, Aveeno’s own testing claims feature more loopholes than assurances with tricky “except when required” waived accountability. This allows ongoing speculation over what testing Aveeno’s suppliers conduct or in what countries products face mandates. Given PR messaging lacking regulatory specifics, the not tested claims ring hollow compared to properly certified cruelty-free brands.
Where are Aveeno products made?
Online label searches show many Aveeno skin care products made in USA. However some hair care formulations list manufacturing in Dominican Republic facilities on bottles. But again, lack of supply chain transparency means unknown testing could happen at any stage from suppliers to Contract Research Organizations to labs abroad. Unethical testing could feasibly occur without being conducted directly where final Aveeno product construction happens.
What percentage of Aveeno products are cruelty-free?
No precise percentage is available given their unclear, questionable testing policies. Conceivably, some ingredients could come from suppliers that use animal testing while others don’t, making formulas somewhat cruelty-free. But without transparent data access to all material sources, a reliable percentage of Aveeno products avoiding animal testing remains unknown to consumers.
Are aveeno products vegan?
No, most Aveeno products contain non-vegan ingredients like lanolin and beeswax, as well as chemical ingredients of ambiguous origin. Aveeno cannot claim being a vegan brand overall at this time.
Are Aveeno products organic?
No, Aveeno products do not hold organic certification, contain chemical ingredients, and may use crops grown with pesticides rather than through organic farming methods. A few contain some organically-sourced botanical extracts.
The Verdict: Avenge Your Ethics Elsewhere
Given the ongoing complications and contradictions above, as of 2024 there remains insufficient public evidence to consider Aveeno cruelty-free.
While glimmers of optimism appear at times, Aveeno’s inability to concretely back words with consistent actions undermine their brand’s trustworthiness for animal advocates. Too many outs, workarounds, and weak promises add up over time.
Plus, dependency on the gigantic animal testing machine of parent company J&J casts constant doubt. Without complete autonomy, Aveeno can not isolate himself from the testing demands of their leadership.
Conscientious consumers should consider taking their dollars elsewhere until Aveeno’s independent policies and practices transparently transform. Other brands offer truly cruelty-free assurances today if you #BelieveTheBunny leaping bunny certification.
The choice falls to you on acting in line with your ethics or compromising convenience over conscience. But now equipped with the truth about wishy-washy Aveeno’s dubious animal testing claims. Your call if their messaging meets your personal standards or not.
Aveeno spends more energy obscuring the complexity of their stances rather than standing confidently behind non-negotiable policies prioritizing compassion over compliance. For consumers who demand clearer conviction, the murky waters around this brand remain an unsafe harbor today compared to ethically smoother sailing with certified cruelty-free brands instead.

Founded by Sophia Rodriguez, IGXO Cosmetics is a PETA-certified, cruelty-free, and vegan makeup brand.